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On the road in Western Australia filming Philip Köster’s newest trick

By July 10, 2013July 17th, 2024No Comments

Philip Köster being typical Philip Köster. Our mutual sponsor Star-board flew me out to Western Australia for a roadtrip and photoshoot Philip, Scott McKercher and legendary World Tour photographer John Carter. Star-Board needed a “film guy” and that’s where I came in.

The road trip was 6 days of bliss. Roads filled with pink salt lakes, dust and kangaroos. Some of the most remote and glorious breaks you will find and 2 of the best wave sailors you’ll ever see on the water. On this particular day in Esperance, Philip was diabolical. Launching some of the biggest backies I’d ever seen and tearing every wave to shreds.

At one point Philip asked us to make sure we were filming as he was going to pull that Boujmaa trick everyone was talking about. We were sceptical. First run out and this is what ensues. It’s essentially a cheese-roll in to a backloop. We unsuccessfully tried to name the trick a ‘wasabi’. The change of direction mid air requires incredible core strength.

Philip hit it on his first try. He later confirmed this was his actual first attempt at it ever.

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