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Over the past few weeks we have had non stop rain throughout Brisbane and the surrounding areas of Queensland which has all come to a head this week with one of the worst floods in 100 years in my city. Thousands of homes have been destroyed and many lives have been lost. The devastation in the affected areas is simply incredible. I have seen some of the worst scenes of my life watching the news on television with people’s houses literally FLOATING down the rivers with victims trapped inside the houses as well as a tidal wave of water that hit the mountain town of Toowoomba trapping many people in the centre of town in their cars.

With multiple tropical cyclones currently sitting off the eastern coast of Australia it appears the floods are only going to get worse. The Queensland Government has set up a Flood Relief Appeal which so far has raised over $35 million dollars; a trifle compared to the money required to rebuild this state when the waters recede. Whilst I am doing my best over here helping friends and family to try to save their homes, you can do your bit and DONATE to this worthy cause following the link below!


  • Jack says:

    This looks realy bad man!

  • Electra Jane says:

    How are you guys at your place? I don’t think there’s much damage on the northside right? We’re ok; we’re a bit further away from the river at St Lucia, but down the street from us people have lost whole houses…. soooooo sad!

  • Sean OBrien says:

    Yeah, we’re ok. Plenty of landslides on all the streets up the road from me though.

    Have been helping some mates at Milton with their shops which were COMPLETELY underwater… just devastating.

  • Electra Jane says:

    That’s good news.

  • Melissa says:

    Good to hear that. Other parts of Brisbane are just devastated… going to be months before we’re all back to normal here.

  • Sean OBrien says:

    @ Melissa – TOTALLY!

    The real disaster is the Paul’s milk factory is underwater… Now where are we gonna get some proper milk ???

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